Be accompanied

in your Feedback Management process

Customized business support

Your Customer Success Manager (CSM) supports you throughout the life of your program. Combining business expertise and project management, your CSM advises you and trains your teams (online or on-site training).

Your CSM is your privileged contact, familiar with your project and able to advise you on your operational needs.

Essential during the implementation of your system ("build" phase), your CSM continues to support you during the "run" phase, with a level of follow-up defined according to your needs.

Work atmosphere

Setting up and monitoring the system

The role of your CSM is to help you set up your Feedback Management system: management of your contact flows, administration of your surveys, initial configuration of the platform, training of your users, etc.

You also benefit from regular meetings (monthly, quarterly and/or half-yearly) to review progress towards your objectives. It's also an opportunity to review the performance of your campaigns and overall performance indicators.

We work with you to establish strategies that integrate your new internal objectives:

A dedicated technical support

All Feedback users have access to our technical support.

We are committed to the following service levels.

Our goal is to offer you a secure, operational and accessible solution. We display the level of availability of our platform in full transparency via the online uptime.

To go further


Online training material

To allow you the best autonomy, all the documentation specific to the use of our Feedback platform is available online, in French and in English. You also have access to numerous e-learning modules.


Users Clubs and customer demos

It is important for us to keep you informed about the platform and to help you be creative in using it.

A user club is organized every month on the topics that concern you the most: administration of the platform, understanding of key features ...

See upcoming events



Every month, we deal with a business theme to keep you up to date on trends and practices in the field of customer satisfaction.

See upcoming events

Would you like to discover our Feedback solution?

Attend a demo

Co-webinaire avec Trustpilot – L’IA au cœur de la gestion de la e-réputation : innovations et avantages

Jeudi 24 Octobre 2024
De 11h00 à 12h / Durée 1h